Pharaoh Finder allows you to find out which pharaoh this cartouche belongs to, even if you dont know the ancient Egyptian language. The app contains cartouches of Egyptian rulers from Dynasty I to Emperor AugustusThe app allows to choose:- sorting order of kings names - chronological or alphabetical- to choose the direction of the signs in the cartouche - from left to right or from right to left.- transliteration schemeThe app provides a link to Wikipedia for every ruler to get more informationReferences:1. Beckerath, Jürgen von. Handbuch Der Ägyptischen Königsnamen. Münchner ägyptologische Studien 19992. Hannig, Rainer. Die Sprache der Pharaonen. Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch–Deutsch (2800 bis 950 v. Chr.). (Hannig-Lexica 1) (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt 64). Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 6. unveränderte Auflage 20153. Baker, Darrell D.: The encyclopedia of the Egyptian pharaohs: v.1: Predynastic through twentieth dynasty (3300-1069 BC). Bannerstone Press. 2009.